Visual magnitudes as m v, while photographic magnitudes are m ph / m p or photovisual magnitudes m p or m pv. Other magnitudes estimated by the human eye are expressed using lower case letters. Magnitudes measured by photometers in some commonplace photometric systems (UBV, UBVRI or JHK) are expressed with a capital letter. This differs from other expressions of apparent visual magnitude observed by the human eye or obtained by photography: that usually appear in older astronomical texts and catalogues. Modern photometric methods define magnitudes and colours of astronomical objects using electronic photometers viewed through standard coloured bandpass filters. These have largely been replaced with CCD cameras that can simultaneously image multiple objects, although photoelectric photometers are still used in special situations, such as where fine time resolution is required. Historically, photometry in the near- infrared through short-wavelength ultra-violet was done with a photoelectric photometer, an instrument that measured the light intensity of a single object by directing its light onto a photosensitive cell like a photomultiplier tube. Several important systems are regularly used, such as the UBV system (or the extended UBVRI system ), near infrared JHK or the Strömgren uvbyβ system.

Any adopted set of filters with known light transmission properties is called a photometric system, and allows the establishment of particular properties about stars and other types of astronomical objects. Modern photometers use specialised standard passband filters across the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Knowing the area of the object and the average intensity of light across the astronomical object determines the surface brightness in terms of magnitudes per square arcsecond, while integrating the total light of the extended object can then calculate brightness in terms of its total magnitude, energy output or luminosity per unit surface area.Įta Carinae light curve in several different passbandsĪstronomy was among the earliest applications of photometry. The technique of surface photometry can also be used with extended objects like planets, comets, nebulae or galaxies that measures the apparent magnitude in terms of magnitudes per square arcsecond. Precision photoelectric photometers can measure starlight around 0.001 magnitude. A plot of magnitude against time produces a light curve, yielding considerable information about the physical process causing the brightness changes. Using multiple bandpass filters with relative photometry is termed absolute photometry. Photometry is also used in the observation of variable stars, by various techniques such as, differential photometry that simultaneously measures the brightness of a target object and nearby stars in the starfield or relative photometry by comparing the brightness of the target object to stars with known fixed magnitudes. A more advanced technique is spectrophotometry that is measured with a spectrophotometer and observes both the amount of radiation and its detailed spectral distribution. Standard sets of passbands (called a photometric system) are defined to allow accurate comparison of observations. At its most basic, photometry is conducted by gathering light and passing it through specialized photometric optical bandpass filters, and then capturing and recording the light energy with a photosensitive instrument. The methods used to perform photometry depend on the wavelength region under study. When calibrated against standard stars (or other light sources) of known intensity and colour, photometers can measure the brightness or apparent magnitude of celestial objects. This light is measured through a telescope using a photometer, often made using electronic devices such as a CCD photometer or a photoelectric photometer that converts light into an electric current by the photoelectric effect. Photometry, from Greek photo- ("light") and -metry ("measure"), is a technique used in astronomy that is concerned with measuring the flux or intensity of light radiated by astronomical objects.